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Society depends on various utilities: water, gas, fuels, communications, electricity, and others that we cannot function without. Public utilities are delivered through various installations that together make up critical infrastructure. But this infrastructure is society's soft spot and is particularly vulnerable to sabotage and cyberattacks. Therefore, this infrastructure must be protected so that we ensure a stable supply.



Society depends on various utilities: water, gas, fuels, communications, electricity, and others that we cannot function without. Public utilities are delivered through various installations that together make up critical infrastructure. But this infrastructure is society's soft spot and is particularly vulnerable to sabotage and cyberattacks. Therefore, this infrastructure must be protected so that we ensure a stable supply.

With increasing digitalization, our dependence on energy, especially electricity, is increasing. This trend increases our vulnerability to both acts of physical sabotage and cyberattacks. It is therefore crucial to ensure that our energy systems are resilient.

A resilient energy system must have the following five characteristics:

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    Security against faults and attacks

    The energy system must be protected against faults, failures and possible cyberattacks that can disrupt operations and cause damage.

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    Reliable security of supply

    We need to ensure sufficient capacity, even during extreme loads or unforeseen events so that the energy system can deliver energy without interruptions or breakdowns.

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    Adaptability to future needs

    It is essential that our energy system can adapt to new demands and conditions despite the continuous development of new technologies and changes in energy patterns. Therefore, the energy system must remain flexible to meet future needs.

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    Economic sustainability

    Energy supply must be economically sustainable in the long term, for both consumers and energy suppliers. We must adapt the system in an economically sensible way that benefits all parties.

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    Environmental considerations

    A resilient energy system must address environmental challenges, including reducing air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and sustainable resource use.